Kazuya Niizeki, our CEO, participated for the main seat in the second Q-SUMMIT (hosted by the Parliamentary Association for Quantum Technology Promotion, held at the members’ office building of the House of Councillors, Japan).
Kazuya Niizeki, our CEO, for the main seat and Tomoyuki Horikiri, our Technical Advisor, for the sub seat, participated in the inaugural Q-SUMMIT (hosted by the Parliamentary Association for Quantum Technology Promotion, and held at the members’ office building of the House of Councillors, Japan).
Our research results on “Two-photon comb ” were disclosed in an international press release.
Our research results on long-distance optical fiber transmission using a quantum repeater system was announced in a press release issued by Yokohama National University.
Kazuya Niizeki, our CEO, gave a presentation titled “Two-photon Comb with Wavelength Conversion for Long-distance Quantum Communication” at the international conference “CLEO Pacific Rim”.
Based on a request from the Communications Society Magazine “B-plus” published by the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE), our company completed proofreading of the commentary article on long-distance quantum communications, which will be published in “B-plus” No. 54 (Autumn 2020) on September 1.
Our research results on quantum light sources, wavelength conversion, and long-distance fiber transmission were accepted for publication in Communications Physics, an international journal from Nature Portfolio. Kazuya Niizeki, our CEO, was designated as a lead author.
Our research results on quantum communication protocols were accepted for publication in the International Journal of Quantum Information.
Kazuya Niizeki, our CEO, gave a presentation on the results of quantum light sources and interface technology (wavelength conversion) at the Optics & Photonics Japan 2019, an event hosted by the Optical Society of Japan.
Our results on quantum light sources and wavelength conversion were presented at the Physical Society of Japan 2019 Autumn Meeting.