LQUOM and Kaga City Sign Collaboration Agreement for Social Implementation of Quantum Internet
LQUOM is featured in Weekly Toyo Keizai’s “100 Amazing Venture Businesses” selection.
LQUOM Wins the Early Edge for the Academic Startups Award 2022 Co-Organized by JST and NEDO
We have been selected for IPAS2022, a support program of the Japan Patent Office (JPO), Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)
Lecture on quantum communication for the students of Tezukayama Junior & Senior High School’s Mathematics Research and Information Science Club
We will give a public lecture at a special study session of the Quantum Software Research Center (July 8)
We has formed a capital and business alliance with Oxide , the world’s premier optical single crystal and optical technology manufacturer
We will exhibit at Quantum Computing EXPO 2020 (Spring)
We have been selected for the Seed-stage Technology-based Startups (STS) grant project provided by the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO). We will further accelerate the development that leads to a “quantum society” including a quantum internet.
We have raised a seed round funding through a third-party allotment of new shares to Incubate Fund.